Asociace českých divadelních kritiků

International Association of Theatre Critics

Association Internationale des Critiques de Théatre


VÝZVA k účasti  v dramatické soutěži Szymon Szurmiej Contemporary Jewish Drama

Polská sekce IATC / AICT je spolu s Asociací autorů ZAIKS oficiálním partnerem organizátora mezinárodní soutěže o současnou hru na židovská témata, jímž je Estera Rachel a Ida Kamiński Židovské divadlo Varšava.

Soutěž je přístupná veřejnosti – otevřená všem autorům, kteří píší v polštině a v jakémkoli jiném jazyce, ale aby práce byla přijata do soutěže, musí být přeložena do jednoho z následujících pěti jazyků: polština, jidiš, angličtina, ruština, hebrejština. Práce musí být původním autorovým dílem, dosud nepublikovaným ani uvedeným na scéně a autor může do soutěže přihlásit pouze jedno dílo.

Uzávěrka soutěže je 15. září, vyhlášení 6. prosince, vítězné dílo kromě ceny bude rovněž uvedeno.

Detailněji viz níže, úplné informace a podmínky na webových stránkách Židovského divadla Varšava..

The Jewish Drama Competition

Estera Rachel and Ida Kamińskie Jewish Theater in Warsaw has the pleasure to announce the Szymon Szurmiej Contemporary Jewish Drama International Competition.

The competition is open to the public. We welcome all authors who write in Polish and any other language, however, for the work to be accepted in the Competition, it must be translated into one of the following five languages: Polish, Yiddish, English, Russian, Hebrew.

The work submitted to the Competition may not be an adaptation, but must be the author’s original work that has not been previously published or staged. One author may submit one work to the Competition.

The Competition aims to find new, valuable dramatic works inspired by broadly defined Jewish-related topics and to promote contemporary theatrical literature that fosters the development of dialog and understanding regardless of the differences between people due to race, gender, religion, and social situation.

The idea of the Competition – the contemporary Jewish drama – is part of the artistic quest conducted by the Jewish Theater. A theatre that remembers and is not cut off from the present time: it is not a museum. A theater that is a living place cultivating social and intergenerational dialog between cultures, a dialog with history, taking up not only subjects dedicated to the Holocaust and the memory thereof but also identity in general, searching for one’s place in the world, dealing with religion and customs, enslavement and freedom, emancipation, violence (also domestic violence), orphans, rejected, travelers, migrants, and speaks about it using a rich, modern language of the contemporary stage.

The Jewish Theater (the place and the ensemble) is a symbol of a contemporary fate of the Jewish community, it is inseparably tied to Poland’s history and its activity could be acknowledged as a kaddish, the prayer for those who are no longer with us.

The works signed with an emblem should be sent to the address of the Jewish Theater by September 15th, 2021. Any works sent after the expiry of the deadline (the proof confirming that the submission was sent before the deadline expired is the postmark) will not be considered by the Jury. By December 6th, 2021 the Jury will award the Grand Prize (30,000 Polish zloty) and three distinctions (each 5,000 Polish zloty).

The composition of the jury, organizational and technical details connected with the Competition as well as submission form have been published on the website of the Jewish Theater.

Full of hope and eager, we are waiting for your Works.

Gołda Tencer

Director of Estera Rachel and Ida Kamińskie Jewish Theater

More information:

The awarded work, i.e. the winner of the Grand Prize, will be staged and as such will go through the full cycle of rehearsals, whereas, the distinguished works may be presented in the Jewish Theater under the series of staged rehearsals READING IN THE JEWISH THEATRE. The results of the Competition will be announced on the last day of Hanukkah, which is on December 6th, 2021.

JURY COMPOSITION: Tomasz Miłkowski (chairman, theatre critic), Gołda Tencer (director of the Jewish Theatre, actress, directior), Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk (playwright), Jacek Cieślak (theatre               critic), Remigiusz Grzela (literary manager of the Jewish Theater, playwright), Marzena Dobosz (secretary of the chapter, theatre critic). On behalf of the Jewish Theater, the coordinator is Roksana Szmigiero. 

ORGANIZER: Estera Rachel and Idy Kamińske Jewish Theater. 

PARTNER: Stowarzyszenie Autorów ZAiKS. 

DATE: 12 April 2021 – 15 September 2021. The prizes will be announced on December 6th, 2021. The Regulations and the complete information have been published on the Jewish Theater’s website.